Yakubov Salimjon,Khasanov Bakhriddin,Muratov Ashirbek,Yunusova Farida,Atajanova Donobuvi,Choriev Alibek
Along with the development of traditional energy in Uzbekistan, much attention is paid to alternative and renewable energy. The Angren Special Economic Zone, on the one hand, is a catalyst for the development of industrial production, the creation of new innovative technological enterprises, the strengthening of logistics processes, and the improvement of the city's living standards. All this requires the search for new sources of energy resources along with an increase in coal production. Unique hydraulic structures currently serve to ensure the functioning of the Angrenskaya coal mine. Analysis of individual technological hydrotechnical facilities made it possible to determine the availability of alternative energy sources. The paper provides some considerations on using these sources for energy generation using small hydropower plants. The average calculated indicators and energy potentials of alternative energy sources are presented. Some hydraulic turbines are considered within the framework of the hydraulic engineering systems.