Lisyatnikov Mikhail,Lukin Mikhail,Martinov Vladislav,Roshcina Svetlana
With the development of chemical technologies, new building materials and products based on them appear. Such materials are used both in the production of new structures and in the strengthening of existing elements. A method of strengthening with glass and carbon fabrics has proven itself in reinforced concrete structures. We have developed a method for reinforcing high wood-glued beam structures with a polymer composite in the support zones. The composite consists of fiberglass impregnated with epoxy. To increase the strength, carbon nanotubes are included in the polymer composition. To confirm the effectiveness of this amplification, it is necessary to carry out numerical and experimental studies. In order to save labor costs, planning a multivariate experiment and machine tests of standard samples with and without amplification is first carried out. As a result of the test for chipping along the fibers of prototypes, it was found that the tensile strength of reinforced samples compared to wooden ones without reinforcement increased by 49%, which is the optimal value for full-scale tests.