Rakhimhodjaev Saidvoris,Tashpulatov Salikh,Sobirova Gulfiya,Rajapova Marguba,Tyurin Igor
In the process of producing silk fabrics, by the fact of the high elastic properties of the threads large relaxation oscillations occur in the weaving system of the loom. Therefore, it is advisable to equip looms for the production of silk fabrics with brake regulators, and the rest of the range of fabrics with main regulators. On the basis of a mechanical model of relaxation oscillations and the scheme of a braking regulator for this model the regularities of friction force change depending on the duration of immovable contact and spring tension in time are obtained. The friction force for long contact time, zero contact time and contact time are determined. The mode against rotation of a driving disk causes stability of braking in a frictional pair.
Reference15 articles.
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