Detection of potential reservoirs of the Mezen syneclise of the Eastern European platform


Peskov Dmitry,Dovgan Irina,Kravchenko Vladislav


The possibility of discovering new hydrocarbon deposits within the north-eastern segment of the European part of Russia will reduce the cost of transporting hydrocarbons to major industrial centres. And access to Russia’s most important transport artery, the Northern Sea Route, in the context of the growing importance of the tanker fleet and reorientation of sales markets proves the need to build up the region’s resource base. However, it is necessary to take into account the environmental and climatic risks associated with hydrocarbon production in the Arctic conditions, as well as their transport. This paper presents the data of paleoreconstructions of sedimentation settings of Precambrian sedimentary strata in the light of updating the history of development of the Mezen-Belomr region and studying the reservoir properties of the Riphean-Wendian part of the sedimentary cover section. As a result, formations with enhanced filtration-capacity properties were identified. The Vendian part of the section is characterised by good values of open porosity (up to 20.89%).


EDP Sciences







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