Nadia Lula,Ridawati ,Hartari Ariyanti,Alsuhendra ,Fauziyyah Athiefah
Natural food preservative as marinade solution is the safest alternative to improve fish meat edible quality. Daily spices such as garlic, chili paste, pepper and asam sunti (a fermented fruit of Averrhoa bilimbi L.) are used as marination ingredients. Marination treatment is carried out for several period of storage which are 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours at (0 h 1)°C for each spice and for the mixture spices. The hedonic tests used include appearance, aroma, colour, taste, and texture of fish flesh. Compared to the control one, marination on tuna fish flesh can increase hedonic value of fish and showed that the spices have potential to improve edible quality of fish by increasing appearance, tenderness, and enriching the flavour of fish. Garlic marination on tuna fish flesh give a good result in preserving and in increasing consumer preference in grilled aroma, garlic aroma, savoury taste, and tenderness of fish flesh. Meanwhile the mixture spices marination on fish flesh has a moderate consumer preference on cooked fish.