Analysis and Design of Indonesian Traditional Medicine (Jamu) Information System by using Prototyping Model (Case Study: Madura Island)


Yunitarini Rika,Widiaswanti Ernaning


The rapid growth of traditional medicine among Indonesian has encouraged the emergence of various production and utilization of herbal medicine. Madura herbs has various types, ranging from herbs for women’s health to herbs for married couples. Considering the various types of Madurese herbal medicine, it is necessary to manage Madura herbs data including aspects of location, ingredient, side effects, etc. In order to record Indonesian traditional medicine, It is need to analyze and design an information system for Madurese herbs as media to provide more complete and faster access to Madurese herbs information. In this study, the authors will discuss the analysis and unified modeling language (UML) design of the Madura herbal medicine information system by taking case studies in Bangkalan and Sampang (Madura). The analysis phase uses the PIECES analysis approach by describing the current conditions of Madurese herbal medicine. UML design, represented by use case diagram, will explain the functionality of the system based on PIECES analysis. From the PIECES analysis and UML design, we can determine what features are needed in the information system so it’s able to assist the development and implementation of the Madura herbs information system. This information system developed by using prototyping model that describes the system so that the client or system owner has a clear picture of the system that built.


EDP Sciences

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