Korol Elena,Kustikova Yuliya
The exterior walls of buildings are subjected to not only forces but also thermal shrinkage effects. These effects are particularly significant for buildings constructed using single-layer and three-layer panels. Temperature forces and deformations occur both within the plane of the outer walls and outside of it. As a result, it is necessary to conduct calculations to ensure that the design solutions for exterior walls made of single-layer and laminated panels are both strong and deformable. These calculations are necessary for frameless buildings with a regular structural scheme. By conducting these calculations, it is possible to verify that the design solutions for exterior walls can withstand the forces and deformations that they will experience during their lifetime.
Reference20 articles.
1. Korol E., Dinh Tho V., Huy Hoang N. Analysis the effects of lightweight concrete in the middle layer of multi-layered reinforced concrete structures on the stress-strain state using the finite element method. В сборнике: MATEC Web of Conferences 2018. С. 02022.
2. Yamleev U.A., Nasyrov R.R. Calculation of the length of the temperature compartment of a large-panel residential building with three-layer wall panels with discrete links on the temperature-humidity impact. Bulletin of the Ulyanovsk State Technical University. 2006. № 3 (35). С. 68-71.
3. Perekhozhentsev A. G. Theoretical Bases and Methods of Calculation of Temperature and Moisture Regime of Building Enclosure Structures / Volgograd. VolgGASU. 2008. С. 72-78.