The aim of the study was to develop a new technique for maintaining the viability of rooted strawberry microplants obtained in the autumn-winter-spring period. Strawberry cultivars “Asia”, “Florence”, “Kimberly” were studied. In vitro cultivation was carried out on Murashige-Skoog medium. At the stage of propagation, 1.0 mgꞏL-1 of 6-BAP was added to the medium, at the stage of elongation - 0.05 mgꞏL-1 of 6-BAP. Medium containing 1.0 mg • L-1IBA was used for rooting, or the concentration was reduced to 0.1 mg • L-1 for microcuttings rehabilitation. The cultures were maintained in a growth room at 23 ± 1 ° C with a 16-hour photoperiod. The light intensity was 5-6 klx. Adaptation of microplants was not carried out immediately after the rooting of microcuttings. The scheme of working with plant material has been changed compared to the generally accepted one. The existing roots and leaves of all microplants were completely removed, after which they were transplanted in the form of vegetating buds to a fresh medium for rehabilitation. This eliminated the need for their inevitable adaptation. After planting, restoration of leaves and roots of vegetating buds was successful within 20-30 days, and their safety and survival rate was 100%.
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