Technology of obtaining micronutrient fertilizers based on micronutrient secondary raw materials of the industry


Uktamov Dilmurod,Aliyeva Mukhayyo


The article presents the research results of obtaining nitrogenphosphorus- calcium-microelement fertilizers by adding suspensions obtained by activating phosphorite with microelement industrial waste in different proportions to the superphosphate mass formed by decomposition of Central Kyzylkum phosphorite flour at different rates of sulfuric acid in laboratory conditions. Experiments were carried out with low-quality phosphorite flour, non-enriched phosphorite flour and washed-burned (thermoconcentrate) phosphorite concentrates (UzDSt 2825:2014) obtained on the basis of phosphorites of the Central Kyzylkum. Also, in order to obtain superphosphate fertilizers with microelements, secondary raw materials with acidic microelements of the РН environment formed during molybdenum processing of Almalyk mining and metallurgical combine joint-stock company were used. Studies have shown that under the influence of micronutrients (copper, zinc, molybdenum, etc.), important physiological and biochemical processes can be controlled, thereby increasing the yield and quality of agricultural products. The use of microelements together with basic fertilizers is an effective and economically important (convenient) agrochemical method. The purpose of the research is to implement new types of phosphoric fertilizers based on incomplete standards of mineral fertilizers and acids, which are widely used in agriculture, or their salt mixtures, using trace element salts and secondary raw materials containing trace elements of hydrometallurgy.


EDP Sciences

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