Enhancing environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation in agrarian-oriented districts of Bryansk Oblast


Nekrich Alina


The paper presents the results obtained from analysis of spatial disproportions arising due to distribution of ecosystems with protective and destabilizing features during agricultural development in Bryansk Oblast. The goal of the research is to reveal a contemporary ratio of such ecosystems at the intra-regional level on the basis of approaches that minimise vulnerability for the environment. Also, to set the tasks for strengthening biodiversity conservation in areas involved in agricultural use. It was determined that environmental sustainability of agroecosystem can be achieved by means of increasing of territories with protective features. Protective ecosystems are viewed as ecological cores of the ecological framework supporting landscape sustainability and preventing loss of biodiversity during agricultural activities. In total, 110 sites or ecological cores have been identified by comparing they spatial distribution in all agrarian-oriented districts of Bryansk Oblast. Since agricultural activity leads to environmental instability and affects biota, ecological cores can enhance environmental sustainability. The significance of this study is to find natural-based solutions that have to be grounded on calculation method applied in this research. A more detailed picture of environmental sustainability is highlighted via location of ecological belts consisting of high-priority sites for biodiversity conservation.


EDP Sciences

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