Method for determining the starting moment of hydrate formation on the basis of optical effects


Pedchenko Nazar,Vynnykov Yuriy,Pedchenko Larysa,Pedchenko Mykhailo


The problem is analyzed of hydrate formation in the systems of gathering and treating of oil and gas products. The methods are studied for prevention of complications associated with the gas hydrates accumulation in the pipelines and process lines. Attention is focused on the significant material costs to prevent the hydrate formation and ways to reduce them. The necessity of constant laboratory monitoring for reservoir systems at industrial facilities to determine the hydrate formation parameters has been substantiated. The need to improve the method for determining the hydrate formation parameters for complex reservoir systems based on a mixture of hydrate-forming gases has also been proved. The purpose of the work is to improve the research method of reservoir systems immediately at the facilities of products mining and treatment. The peculiarities are analyzed of the method of visual laboratory observation in the study of gas hydrates. During experimental studies, optical effects of image distortion are observed due to the formation of a gas hydrate layer in the form of a film on the interphase surface. The mechanism of their formation, as well as the processes determining them have been substantiated. Based on this effect, a method of fixing the hydrate formation initial stage (beginning of crystal growth – mass crystallization) is proposed. For increasing the informative ability of the obtained images of hydrate formation processes, it is proposed to “paint” them with the help of colored light sources, as well as to regulate the intensity and direction of illumination. A number of photos are presented, which clearly illustrate the processes described in the paper.


EDP Sciences







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