Suharso Putut,Sarbini Sarbini,Sumarsono Dicky
The development of paradigm prioritizes more on the economic development by maintaining social structure. The state takes an intervention role with several social programs to solve social issues. On the other hand, the charity tradition is one of the important aspects in life including the doctrine of every religion. The purpose of this research is to observe the Indonesian people who still own the charity tradition came from their religious tradition Islam teaches charity through zakat, infak, shadaqah and wakaf (ZISWAF) which has existed in the society as the symbol of the social piety. This research uses sociological approach and qualitative method while the method of collecting data uses observation, interview and study of documentation. As for the analysis, the analysis of descriptive qualitative uses the theory of Social Justice Philanthropy in charity tradition as the spontaneous action of human if they see another human is treated unfairly by state or more authorized person. The results of the research are: first, the philanthropy institution is oriented on destitute family which is unfinished handled by the state through PNPM program in charity social service because the target of the program is destitute group so it has not finished yet. Second, the philanthropy institution on its movement is built in the name of religious spirit capitalized into Social Justice Philanthropy. Third, the philanthropy institution in the empowerment of destitute society is followed by mastery which does not only focus on charity, capacity but also on authority by creating destitute family must be an entrepreneur.
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