Indonesia is an archipelago country, catching fish is one of the sectors that is highly evolved in Indonesia. One of the waters in Indonesia which has great fishery potential is Pasuruan Regency in East Java. Lift net is a fishing tool that is still widely used by small-scale fishermen in Indonesia, formed rectangular which was operable in coastal waters at night by using light fishing. The purposes of this article are to investigate how to operate a lift net and to explore deeper about the management of lift net operation in Lekok Waters, Pasuruan Regency. Data collection was done by using observation, interview, active participation and documentation. This research discuss about boat and the equipment, catcher tool components, location, length time of trip, procedures of fishing, types of fish, tools maintenance and business management. Based on the analysis of Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C Ratio) proved R/C ratio is > 1, then the effort of catching fish by using lift net in Lekok Pasuruan is profitable. The value of BEP in units of the unit catchment is 1,278 kg, and the values BEP in-unit rupiah is Rp.9,064,516.
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