Bacteria contamination and Cadmium heavy metal content of blood coockle (Anadara granosa Linn) satay on street vendors in Surabaya, Indonesia


Yulistiani Ratna,Adi Saputro Erwan,Raharjo Dadik


This study aims to detect the food safety of blood coockle satay sold by street vendors in Surabaya Indonesia, in terms of bacterial contamination and Cadmium heavy metal content. This research is descriptive research with survey method. The sampling technique was carried out randomly from 15 street vendors, for further testing of bacterial contamination which included total bacteria, Coliform bacteria, and detection of heavy metal Cadmium (Cd) in blood coockle satay. The results showed that of all (15) satay samples studied have the average total microbes was 7.22 Log CFU/gr, Coliform bacterial contamination exceeded the maximum limit determined by the food regulatory agency Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of Republic Indonesia in 2009 ((> 3 MPN/gram). As many as 5 (33.33%) of the 15 samples of scallop satay containing heavy metal Cd exceeded the maximum limit determined by Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of Republic Indonesia in 2017 (> 0.1 mg/kg).


EDP Sciences

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