Spiral Antenna Design and Analysis As a Tool to Measure Partial Discharge in High Voltage Equipment


Laksono Deni Tri,Laksono Dedi Tri,Ulum Miftachul


The high-voltage equipment often experiences disturbances caused by the age of the equipment, installation errors, partial discharge disturbances. Of these kinds of disturbances, partial discharge is one of the most common disturbances in high-voltage equipment which has a percentage level of 80% due to partial disturbance. In this study, a research related to electrical equipment that can detect partial discharge disturbances in these high-voltage equipment was done. The equipment is a spiral antenna, where the spiral antenna has several advantages in detecting partial discharge. In making the first partial discharge, a literature study will be carried out first, after that designing a spiral antenna using CST 2018 software to get the Return loss and VSWR parameters as desired, namely Return Loss less than -10 and VSWR less than 2. From the results of this study Spiral antenna is measured using VNA, the measurement results show the spiral antenna is in accordance with the parameters that have been determined, namely the return loss value = -30.8 and the VSWR value = between 1 to 1.5.


EDP Sciences

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4. Comparison of peak to peak voltage and number of partial discharge detected by HFCT and loop antenna in metal enclosed high voltage equipment

5. 10 Segment Spiral Antenna to Measure Partial Discharge on High Voltage Equipment








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