Ulum Miftachul,Laksono Deni Tri,Laksono Dedi Tri
In this research, a DC motor tested using the L298 motor driver which is controlled by Arduino as the motor speed regulator and using the PWM method as a speed control signal generator for the DC motor. This research has several stages, namely literature study, arduino-based dc motor design, Arduino-based dc motor production, Arduino-based dc motor testing, then analysis of research results and conclusions are drawn. Testing on this Arduino-bas, ed DC motor was done with several experiments, by adjust the motor speed by setting the pwm value in the program listing section then measuring the pwm output on pin 9 of the Arduino Uno board. Then measurements were made on the right and left side of the motor. This experiment was carried out by setting the pwm value from 15 to 255 to determine the difference in the increase in the PWM output voltage and determine the voltage on the motor and determine the condition of the DC motor. The test results show that the initial motor moves when the set value of PWM = 45, PWM voltage = 0.83 V, right motor voltage = 1.53 V, and left motor = 1.75 V.
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