Ultrasonic Signal Implementation in Arduino-Based Obstacle Robot Control System


Sukri Hanifudin,Laksono Deni Tri,Laksono Dedi Tri,Ulum Miftachul


The results of the distance calculation used to control the movement of the robot, hanse the robot is able to avoid unknown obstacles. This obstacle robot divided into 3 parts, namely Arduino Uno as a controller, L298N driver as a motor/wheel controller and ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 as a sending and receiving device for ultrasonic signals. The ultrasonic sensor design on the obstacle robot placed at the front of the robot with the obstacle position in front. From the data analysis, the obstacle robot can determine the accuracy level of the detected distance and can stop according to the detected obstacle distance. The test results show that the obstacle robot is less accurate in detecting the obstacles in front of it, as evidenced by the test results that there is an average error of 0.118. The obstacle robot made using an ultrasonic sensor, so it is less accurate in reading the presence of a obstacle in front of it. In the test results, the biggest error is when the robot is at a distance of 30 cm, where the robot stops at a distance of 24 cm so that there is an error of 6 cm that missed.


EDP Sciences

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