Customer Review and Customer Relationship Management Analysis of B2B Product Purchase Decisions


Halim Daud,Lukiyanto Kukuh


Customer reviews, which are often called testimonials, and relationship management are two things that are believed to be important factors in purchasing decisions in the digital marketing era. However, existing research is still dominated by end-user objects or individual consumers. This study aims to determine the effect of customer reviews (Testimonies) and customer relationship management on purchasing decisions made by organizations or companies. Using quantitative research methods. with 60 respondents who are customer companies from Brightindo (suppliers of cleaning chemicals). Data was collected through questionnaires in google forms which were sent to respondents and processed using SPSS software. The results of data processing show that customer review has an effect and is significant on purchasing decisions, for customer relationships it has no effect and is not significant on purchasing decisions, for customer reviews and customer relationships it simultaneously affects purchasing decisions.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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