Bian Hengzhi,Dai Min,Liu Xie,Rong Rong,Peng Changsheng
Simultaneous crystallization of multiple salt occurs during evaporative crystallization of industrial high-salt wastewater, making it difficult to separate multiple salt components due to agglomeration, thus forming solid waste. To investigate the main stages of simultaneous crystallization agglomeration phenomenon and the possibility of recovering pure components, agglomeration and dispersion of particles in simultaneous crystallization of NaCl and Na2SO4 under different crystallization orders in liquid and air phase are investigated in this paper. The results show that crystal agglomeration occurs mainly in the air phase, and the simultaneous crystallization of NaCl and Na2SO4 in liquid rarely results in agglomeration, and there are great differences in crystal morphology and size between NaCl and Na2SO4, which can be considered for separation of the two by physical means.