Combustion of composite fuel “coal-sawdust”


Kuznetsov Artem


The article deals with the processes associated with the production and combustion of composite powder fuel from coal and woodworking waste, pulp and paper production and agriculture. The relationship between the structure and properties of solid fuels obtained under various conditions of preliminary mechanical processing of components, and physicochemical processes occurring during combustion in a combustion chamber has been studied. As a result of experiments, it was found that the composite material burns better than a mixture of its components, combustion begins earlier, the combustion zone is shifted to the center, and the combustion temperatures are higher, which contributes to more complete combustion of the fuel. It was also found that in the case of a stationary combustion process, the temperatures when using composite fuel are higher than when burning a mixture of components. The difference in temperature is 100-400 °C, depending on the stage of combustion.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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