On the issue of shipping finished products in mining of non-metallic mineral raw materials


Cherniaiev Oleksii,Anisimov Oleg,Saik Pavlo,Dychkovskyi Roman,Lozynskyi Vasyl


Mining of non-metallic raw materials is an extremely important process, since the production of building materials is one of the priority directions for state industry and society development. The production of building materials consists of a large chain of technological processes, of which the shipment of finished products to consumers is one of the main ones. This paper examines design solutions for finished product transhipment storehouses in non-metallic quarries of solid minerals, which are expedient to apply in technological schemes of cyclic-flow processing-transport equipment complexes of the specified quarries. The scope of their application has been determined by the criterion of specific energy intensity of processes and operations when shipping products from stacks of surface storehouses in standard quarries. The results obtained are recommended for implementation when designing technology for mining non-metallic fields and processing of raw materials to produce building materials with shipment of finished products to consumers.


EDP Sciences

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