Sensitivity Analysis of the Thermal Energy Need of a Residential Building Assessed by means of the EN ISO 52016 Simplified Dynamic Method


Bianco Mauthe Degerfeld Franz,Ballarini Ilaria,De Luca Giovanna,Tootkaboni Mamak P.,Corrado Vincenzo


The EN ISO 52016-1:2018 technical standard has introduced a new simplified dynamic method for the calculation of the building energy need for heating and cooling. This new procedure combines a low amount of input data required, as for the previous quasi-steady and dynamic simplified methods of the withdrawn EN ISO 13790 standard, with an increased accuracy, which would reduce the gap with detailed dynamic methods. This work is part of a broader research activity aimed at investigating the new simplified dynamic model and highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, in terms of accuracy and robustness. Specifically, the work addresses the parameters that have a great influence on the final results and the effects of uncertainties in input data. To this purpose both standard and tailored energy performance assessments have been applied, in particular in the first one a continuous operation period of the space heating system was supposed, and in the second one an intermittent operation system was chosen. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out to quantify the variation of the heating and cooling loads with the set-point temperature, the windows physical properties, the heat capacity and the thermal transmission properties of opaque components, as well as the occupancy related input parameters, such as the internal heat gains and the ventilation flow rate. The analysis was applied to a multi-unit residential building located in Rome and built in the first half of the 20th century. The results outline absolute relevance of the set point temperatures. The significance of occupant behaviour and the importance of the correct definition of the component thermal properties is also pointed out through the comparison between the standard and tailored assessments.


EDP Sciences

Reference18 articles.

1. EN ISO 52016-1. Energy performance of buildings Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads Part 1: Calculation procedures. (2017)

2. EN ISO 13790. Energy performance of buildings Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling (ISO 13790:2008)

3. On the limits of the quasi-steady-state method to predict the energy performance of low-energy buildings

4. Performance of EN ISO 13790 utilisation factor heat demand calculation method in a cold climate

5. Assessment of building cooling energy need through a quasi-steady state model: Simplified correlation for gain-loss mismatch







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