Modeling the risks of marine submersion on the Saidia coastal- Cap de l'Eau (Northeast Morocco)


Ramdani Samhane,Oujidi Mostafa,Amarjouf Najat,Afif Hafssa,Azougay Abdellah


The coastline is an area of ecological and environmental balance between the continent and the sea. The coastline from Saidia to Cap de l'Eau, located on the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, is the subject of this study. The goal of this work is to produce maps of the risk of marine submersion. The methodology followed consists of entering storm meteorological data and land use data into the Iber 2D software. In addition, we mapped the hazard as well as the vulnerability of this submersion. The results of this 2D modeling of the hazard have shown that the coastline of Saidia - Cap de l'Eau presents a high risk of marine submersion, and this by the water levels rises to more than 4 meters and overflow on a width of more than 20 meters towards the mainland. In addition, the coastal strip constitutes a zone of high vulnerability compared to the continent.


EDP Sciences

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