Voskresenskaya Elena,Vorona-Slivinskaya Lybov,Panov Sergey
The present research is aimed at investigating the current state of digital transformation of governance, economy and social sector. Basic attributes of digitalization of governance, economy and social sector are studied, particularly the mechanism of transformation of significant part of economic cooperation into information and telecommunication space; active introduction and application of e-money and smart contracts into civil transactions; development of e-governance. Problems of digital sector inevitably affect the compatibility of the economy under the current conditions, since lag in receiving and processing of relevant data and inability to use digital resource result in the loss of preceding market position. In terms of asymmetry of international trade, digital dependence of one particular country on another entails the increase in economic progress gap between these countries. If a country does not possesses these developments or has lost any of technological solutions, then nothing new can be worked out, so the next step is impossible. This is the reason why the state of digital sector, particularly its hardware base, special technological equipment that provides the necessary parameters for an integrated circuit, is the key factor for the prospects of social development.
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4 articles.