Modernization of the cooling system in tractors with gas engines


Bolshakov N. A.,Didmanidze O N,Parlyuk E P


With an increase in the power/weight ratio of vehicles in cities and towns, the thermal loads of many functional units increase significantly. This requires the organization of the removal of excess heat into the environment, since the violation of the proper thermal regime in individual functional units prevents the realization of the potential operational properties of the entire vehicle up to failure. At the same time, the variety of operating conditions for vehicles, causing a change in a wide range of factors of the working environment, especially road and climatic ones, creates a difficult, both in practical and theoretical terms, problem of ensuring the required thermal regime for functional units. In this regard, the paper presents a consistent development of the theory of hydrothermodynamic properties of functional units based on the principles of constructing the operational properties of vehicles. The problems determining the further search and scientific substantiation of meters and indicators for assessing the efficiency of cooling systems, as well as the development of methods, tools and equipment for calculating and studying these systems are considered. At the same time, the work presents the improvement of the working process and designs of gas engines of tractors aimed at increasing reliability through the use of new production technologies. In conclusion, the definition of scientifically grounded methods and practical solutions for improving the performance of cooling systems is given, which has an important scientific and economic significance for increasing the operational properties of agricultural tractors, substantiating the current importance.


EDP Sciences

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