Jane Motal,Aisyah Wan Ibrahim Wan Siti
Link Budget is a calculation of gains and losses during transmission from transmitter to receiver in each communication system. In satellite communication, the main purpose of calculating link budget is to analyse the satellite system performance. One of the parameters to measure the satellite link performance is the Carrier to Noise ratio (C/N). There are a few satellite link calculators were developed using MATLAB/GUI and website. However, there are no available apps to help student to compare the calculated satellite link budget calculator for self-study. Therefore, a mobile apps called SATELEC was developed to calculate satellite link budget parameters. By using this satellite link budget calculator apps, all parameters such as Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), Power Flux Density, Path Loss, Antenna Gain and Power Received can be calculated. After the value of power received is obtained, the value of Carrier to Noise ratio (C/N) can be determined by taking into account the noise in the communication. Results shows values obtained from the mobile is reliable after comparison with calculated value.
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