Global climate change and its negative consequences


Khayrulla Jurakulov,Azamat Fozilov,Dilbar Jurakulova,Erkin Khojiyev,Javxar Sattarov


In the emergence of global problems of nature and man, these problems have natural anthropogenic roots; the presence of periodic changes in climatic processes; the atmosphere is the shell surrounding planet Earth., natural factors that shape the climate, astronomical, geographic, circulation factors, the increasing influence of anthropogenic activities on the chemical and physical composition of the atmosphere; ;rapid development of natural resources, rising sea levels and water pollution, rapid growth of natural and industrial disasters, increasing anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere; population of the globe, countries, cooperation of international organizations; wind, water, solar energy, renewable energy sources; methods and technologies that reduce methane emissions; technological and transport accidents; Fire safety; continued promotion of climate change; our planet is our common home; improving the technology for rational waste disposal in manufacturing sectors; search for the geographical basis for changes in the indicators and consequences of climate warming within regions and its elimination; promoting issues in this topic.


EDP Sciences

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