Prototype Design and Construction of 450 VA Permanent Magnetic Sync Generator for Vertical Axis Wind Power Generator House Scale with Low Wind Speed


Saepudin Asep,Dharmanto Asep,Sholih Hilman


Permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is a mechanical electrical machine that can convert motion energy into electrical energy which has two main parts, namely a rotor using permanent magnets and a stator without an iron core which the machine uses for low and low rotations. load torque used as a generator. The driving force for Wind Power Plants (PLTB) which we know is alternative and renewable power plants, the energy source is wind which continues to exist and is easily available, another reason for the need to develop permanent magnet generators for PLTB is the reduction of petroleum, other fossil energy, subsidies continue to cut materials fuel oil for power generation which increases the price of electricity per KWH as well as a global commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. the need for electricity for the community and the high price of electricity as well as the difficulty of installing electricity with a capacity of 450 VA, this study aims to make a prototype of a laboratory-scale permanent magnet generator for wind power plants for residential homes that allows it to be placed close to the ground, no need to be directed towards the wind. blowing, can generate electricity with wind speed from 2.5 m/s, easy operation and low cost. The research method in this study is to conduct a literature study, conduct a wind source mapping survey from several sources to obtain wind speed data nationally, design a prototype and design a permanent magnet generator prototype and finally simulation with calculation capacity of the prototype. The design of the permanent magnet generator prototype for the Wind Power Plant has 12 poles with a rotor speed of 500 rpm (revolution per minute) with capacity of 450 VA.


EDP Sciences

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