Oil and Grease Contamination of Raw Water for Drinking Purposes in Karawang Regency, Indonesia


Sari Gina Lova,Kasasiah Ahsanal,Utami Marsah Rahmawati,Sadidan Ikhwanussafa,Amethysia Nur Ridha


Raw water for drinking purposes in Karawang Regency has been taken from irrigation canals where the water comes from one of the most polluted rivers in the world, the Citarum River. In addition, domestic waste disposal in irrigation canals increases the threat of pollution load enhancement, especially oil and grease. The current study aims to identify oil and grease contamination in raw water for drinking purposes along irrigation canals throughout Karawang Regency. A total of 33 composite samples were taken along the irrigation canals (50 km) in Karawang Regency and analyzed using the gravimetric method, following Indonesian National Standard No. 03-7016-2004 and APHA-AWWA and WEF No. 5520F. In the current study, the presence of Cr6+, Hg, As, Cd and Pb in all water samples was also identified using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The results showed that oil and grease levels in 21 of 33 samples exceeded the quality standards regulated in Indonesian Government Regulation No. 22/2021, with 1.20-162.80 mg/L and 1.00 mg/L, respectively. It indicated that the water has decreased in quality and cannot be directly used as raw water for drinking purposes. Meanwhile, heavy metals were found in low concentrations, almost undetectable along the waters.


EDP Sciences








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