Begmatov Nodir,Ergashev Ulugbek,Lesov Kuvandik,Shayakhmetov Saulet
On the basis of theoretical research the problem of determining the bearing capacity of the main site of the earth bed poured from loess-like loam with regard to the action of vibrodynamic loads and reduction of strength properties of soils under its influence is solved. On the basis of solution of the theory of limit equilibrium it is possible to determine the deficit of bearing capacity, the value of which is the main indicator for a reasonable choice of design of reinforcement of the main site of the earth bed in order to increase its strength. On the basis of calculation of the earth bed strength, the variants of the earth bed construction are presented, providing the required strength of the earth bed made of loess-like loam with consistency index 0,21 <
JL ≤ 0,3, at high-speed train traffic. The presented transverse profiles can be recommended for application.