Principles of environmental law in Russia


Lang Petr


The article analyzes the provisions of domestic normative-legal base and legal doctrine on the content and meaning of the principles of modern environmental law of Russia. The author’s opinions and approaches to the doctrinal categories under consideration are studied, theoretical problems on the stated subject, and algorithms for their resolution in the foreseeable future are presented. The main purpose of the research is to accumulate the gained theoretical and empirical experience on the problems of formation of the system of principles of modern environmental law, to identify problematic issues and to develop measures to resolve them in the foreseeable future. The author analyzed the opinions and approaches of domestic and foreign authors, which made it possible to form a reasonable position on the stated subject. Theoretical significance of the research results consists in the possibility of their use in the course of further scientific developments on the issues of improving the system of principles of environmental law. Practical significance of the research results consists in the possibility of their use in legislative activities and in the development of educational and methodological literature on legal disciplines.


EDP Sciences







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