Tatarstan is one of the leaders of oil industry in Russia as well as chemical industry but has certain ecological problems such as pollution of the air, earth and water, destroying natural reservations and garbage throwing. The system of forming ecological style of mind of students of the region includes special subjects as well as a list of humanitarian subjects such as “English for special purpose” and “Literature”. The purpose of the paper is to present a system of forming ecological way of thinking of students of oil and chemical technology majors through lessons of English, paying special attention to formation of productive skills. The methodology of the study is based on a set of methods: the research method, the comparative typological method, and the heuristic method. The elements of ecological education are included in any stage of training English skills and the local ecological problems are reflected. The tasks in question are presented in the form of texts of ecological theme with open tasks and partially open tasks following. The climax is the defending of diploma work in English which includes ecological issues.