Abdhafith Zamzam Melad,Ali Rasim Amer,Abohamod Nasser
Antennas is considered one of the great challenges for communications engineers in delivering the transmitted signal to the receiver with the lowest possible capacity and the least loss, increasing the effectiveness of the various communication systems. In this paper, a smart antenna design for the fifth generation technology (5G) ), specifically the antenna arrays, which are microstriped antennas with different specifications, the design was for a high-efficiency microstrip antenna array and it was developed using a low-loss RT/duroid 5880 substrate based on Teflon material with a permittivity of 2.2 and a tangent loss of 0.0009, the designed were simulated using CST software Microwave Studio, which is based on the instantaneous numerical method, and the application was used for the wireless local network at a frequency of 28 GHz, and the performance of the designed antenna was evaluated in terms of general characteristics, including bandwidth, gain, return loss, standing wave ratio VSWR, and radiation pattern (3D). The results showed that the designs have a bandwidth greater than 10dB and achieved a total gain of more than 13 dB, by comparison, the results obtained with previous results show that a large part has been achieved, especially in the width of range and this meets a large part of the needs of 5G communication systems.
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