Prokopov S.P.,Myalo O.V.,Myalo V.V.,Maltseva E.I.,Demchuk E.V.
Increased productivity of machine-tractor units in the conditions of agricultural production is one of the most important and urgent tasks of the engineering and technical service of the agricultural sector. The greatest impact on machine reliability and performance indicators has a timely and good-quality maintenance. Fault tolerance is crucial to ensuring high machine productivity. The amount of maintenance work increases in proportion to the number of hours worked. Inadequate technical maintenance, leading to increased failure rates, reduced productivity and machine operating hours, and higher operating costs. Machine failures and downtime lead to disruptions in agricultural production technology, which leads to delays and loss of crops. This is a main contradiction that is inherent in the actual system of maintenance and use of machines, in the overlapping timing of their performance. Addressing the problem of increasing tractor uptime in the current environment is of particular importance and relevance. This can be achieved by reducing maintenance downtime by intensifying maintenance during the non-stressful period of fieldwork. It is therefore advisable to outsource part of the maintenance and repair work to specialised enterprises, since there, due to their high specialisation and technical equipment, the quality of such work will be higher than on the farm. Tractor uptime can also be improved through greater specialisation and intensification of maintenance operations by shifting them to non-stressful periods of fieldwork. The study proposes and theoretically substantiates the structure of technical service formation in agro-industrial enterprises. The main advantages of the proposed technical service system are discussed.
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