Features of initiating the light-sensitive explosive composites for safe blasting of borehole charges in coal mines


Kulivar Viacheslav,Usyk Ihor,Shepel Nina,Kravchenko Kostiantyn


The purpose of paper is to study physical and chemical patterns for starting detonation in the explosive charges by means of laser pulse radiation. Studies of the physical and chemical properties of the mechanism for stimulating the detonation of explosives by pulse radiation of an optical quantum generator have been carried out. Methodology of experimental and theoretical studies as well as mathematical modeling, involving gas-dynamics equations, has been applied. Basic research results as for studying sensitivity of the explosives being initiated by pulse light radiation have been analyzed. Numerical modeling was performed taking into consideration the real process of igniting the explosive by infrared laser radiation. The proposed mathematical model makes it possible to study the peculiarities of initiating the explosive transformation of bursting explosives by means of short light pulses. Tetranitropentaerytrite (PETN) was used to show that the process is determined completely by the parameters which characterize radiation intensity and absorption properties of the explosive. Depending on these parameters values, initiation processes may be implemented qualitatively – either on the surface or inside the explosive. In the latter case, the release of chemical energy results in the formation of so-called “chemical” pressure peak. With the use of lead azide, it has been shown experimentally that the initial temperature does not affect the increase in explosive sensitivity even in case when laser radiation takes place in the nanosecond pulse mode. Experimental results are applied while developing light-sensitive composites with the preset explosive and physical-chemical properties. The determined patterns were used in the development of the light-sensitive explosive composites for blasting agents of explosive charges.


EDP Sciences

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