Problems of mining the prospective coal-bearing areas in Donbas


Nehrii Serhii,Nehrii Tetiana,Bachurin Leonid,Piskurska Hanna


The prospective coal-bearing areas of Donbas in Ukraine have been identified. Their development will increase the energy security of Ukraine. It has been suggested that the development of these areas will involve mining the coal seams in a weak roof and floor environment, which are characterized by low compressive strength, lower density and a tendency to plastic deformations. The stability has been assessed of the rocks outcrop on the contour of mine roadways for mines operating in these areas. It has been determined that roof rocks in most of these mines belong to a range of groups from very unstable to moderately stable, and the bottom rocks are, in most cases, prone to swelling. This complicates the intensive prospective areas mining with the use of advanced technologies, as well as secondary support for retained goaf-side gateroads with limited yielding property. The mines have been determined, for which this issue is relevant when mining the seams with further increase in the depth. The mechanism of displacement in the secondary supports and has been exemplified and studied using the numerical method. The obtained results allowed us to substantiate the necessity of developing new technical solutions for the protection of gateroads under conditions of prospective Donbas areas.


EDP Sciences

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