Determination of Generator Capability Curve using Modified-Single Machine to Infinite Bus (M-SMIB) System Approach


Rusilawati Rusilawati,Budi Sulistiawati Irrine,Yorino Naoto


The capability curve for each generator unit is usually provided by the generator manufacturer. But in practice, the generator can reach its maximum generation limit before reaching the maximum limit on the generator capability curve provided by the generator manufacturer. This might occur because of the load location is far from the generator or the varying of the loading value so that the maximum generation limit is smaller than the value given on the generator capability curve of the manufacturer. In this paper, the generator capability curve is determined using the Modified Single Machine to Infinite Bus (M-SMIB) system approach to determine the maximum generation limit every time there is a change in loading or change in the load location. After the maximum generation limit of each unit generator is known, the generator capability curve that is always in accordance with the real time situation can be formed. Thus, the operation limit of each generator can be recognized, determine the appropriate protection system setting and can prevent the electric power system disturbance. This method will be applied to generator units in the four bus IEEE system with two generators.


EDP Sciences

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