Smart Micro-Grid Performance using Renewable Energy


Novianto Bangun,Abdullah Kamaruddin,Saepul Uyun Aep,Yandri Erkata,Muhammad Nur Syukri,Susanto Herry,Vincēviča-Gaile Zane,Hendroko Setyobudi Roy,Nurdiansyah Yanuar


The aim of this research is to determine the performance of PV panels, wind turbines, battery storage and power imported from the grid to the system which will ensure a reliable energy supply, as well as the technical feasibility of a smart microgrid system. Indonesia’s renewable energy potential for electricity reaches 443 GW, where solar energy is the largest potential, namely 4.8 KWh m–2 or equivalent to 112 000 GWp, but only 10 MWp has been utilized. The most basic problem in this system, namely, the uncertainty of wind energy and solar energy, one of the most vital factors in the optimal size of a renewable energy-based smart microgrid system is the reliability of the system being built. The method used in this research is to collect data on the availability of wind energy and solar energy as well as load analysis on the smart microgrid system. As a result, the resulting power output was 6.2 MWh during the experiment. The highest average Performance Ratio (PR) of the solar energy power generation system, namely 77 % in February 2020. Optimized with Battery Life (OBL) model produces a power output of 102.4 kWh and has an overall system efficiency of 81.92 %.


EDP Sciences

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