The paper considers the best linear method for approximating the values of derivatives of Hardy class functions in the unit circle at zero according to the information about the values of functions at a finite number of points z1,...,zn that form a regular polygon, and also the error of the best method is obtained. The introduction provides the necessary concepts and results from the papers of K.Yu. Osipenko. Some results of the studies of S.Ya. Khavinson and other authors are also mentioned here. The main section consists of two parts. In the first part of the second section, the research method is disclosed, namely, the error of the best method for approximating the derivatives at zero according to the information about the values of functions at the points z1,...,zn is calculated; the corresponding extremal function is written out. It is established that for p>1, the corresponding extremal function is unique up to a constant factor that is equal to one in modulus. For p=1, the corresponding extremal function is not unique. All such corresponding extremal functions are determined here. In the second part of the second section, it is proved that for all p (1≤p<∞), the best linear approximation method is unique, and the coefficients of the best linear recovery method are calculated. The expressions used to calculate the coefficients are greatly simplified. At the end of the paper, the obtained results are described, and possible areas for further research are indicated.
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3 articles.