Farming Analysis for Sorghum Seeding on Acid-Dry Land in South Lampung, Lampung Province


Zahara ,Novitasari Erliana,Meidaliyantisyah ,Diptaningsari Danarsi,Slameto


Sorghum is an alternative food, feed, and industrial raw material. Currently, sorghum is being developed in Indonesia, but it is necessary to know whether it is economically feasible to develop sorghum. This study aims to determine the cost and revenue, income, and feasibility of sorghum seed farming per hectare. The research was conducted in the Taman Sains Pertanian (TSP) of Natar District, South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. The data collected is the volume and prices of production inputs and production output prices. Data were analyzed using cost structure analysis, income analysis and R/C ratio. The results showed that the total costs incurred were IDR 22.258.750, - and a total receipt of IDR 110.000.000, - so that a income of IDR 87.741.250, - per hectare. The R/C ratio for the total cost of farming is 4,94, this value is greater than one. Based on the profits obtained and the value of the R/C ratio, sorghum seed farming in dry sour land is feasible.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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