Burhansyah Rusli,Kilmanun Juliana Corolina,Evy Retnaning Prahardini Paulina
In Sambas Regency, 95% of the oranges are contributed by Siame oranges. Citrus farmers have a dilemma in that they don’t know whether or not production elements are used effectively. The purpose of this study is to identify the production and farming efficiency parameters for Siamese oranges. The study was carried out in Sambas Regency’s Tebas District, a hub for Siam production. A survey method is employed in the research. There are 100 Siam orange growers who responded, and purposeful sampling was used to collect the data. Data is handled using SPSS version 21 for the analysis of the Cobb-Douglas production function. The Marginal Value Product and the Mean Factor Production Price (Px) are compared in a factor efficiency analysis. The findings indicated that the usage of production elements, such as land, family labor, labor performed by people outside the family, the quantity of urea fertilizer, SP-36 fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, and insecticides are all ineffective. This calls for a reduction in the utilization of all production factors.
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