Physicochemical and bacteriological characterization of raw sewage from the Meknes region Morocco


Hassan Ouallal,Hamzaoui Najia El,Mohammed Sbiti,Mohammed Machkor,Lahcen Messaoudi,Mohamed Azrour


The region of Meknes suffers from a significant delay in the water sector, including sewage treatment. The Urban waste water in the region originates from various activities; households, industry, agriculture and hospital. These waters are released in to nature without any treatment, which constitutes a serious risk for the environment. The objective of this research is to characterize the physicochemical and bacteriological pollution of the three sewage collectors of the Meknes region (Aïn Choubbik, Oued Ouislane and Aïn Taoujdate). Indeed, the pollution parameters; biological and chemical oxygen demand are abnormally high, which indicates clearly that waste waters is rich of reducing or oxidizing organic materials. Ammonium, nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals concentrations exceed the limit values. So these waters are classified as bad or very bad quality. On the one hand, the presence of a large bacterial load indicates fecal contamination. The total coliform, fecal coliform and fecal streptococci levels are high exceeding exceed the values specified the WHO guidelines and the Moroccan standards. This situation is likely to cause serious and irreparable damage to the environment groundwater. To counter this, make the necessary investment in sewage treatment and other remedial measures is key to preventing pollution and its spread.


EDP Sciences

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