Abhi Purwoko Agus,Arian Sani Anwar Yunita,Hadisaputra Saprizal,Burhanuddin Burhanuddin
This study aims to determine the effect of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and motivation on laboratory activities of Chemistry Education students. Three theoretical hypotheses are proposed, namely (1) SRL has a direct effect on laboratory activities of Chemistry Education students; (2) SRL has a direct effect on the motivation of chemistry education students; and (3) SRL has an indirect effect on laboratory activities through motivation as a mediator. The instrument was a questionnaire distributed to respondents totaling 268 chemistry education students. Filling out the questionnaire is carried out after students have carried out practicum for one semester. The research results show that SRL has a significant effect on laboratory activities and motivation. The influence of motivation as an intervening SRL was found to be insignificant on laboratory activities.
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