Impact of globalization on the development of commerce


Salikhova Regina,Dyganova Renata,Khusainova Ekaterina,Derbeneva Anna


Globalization, the transition to an information society - modern processes of social development, due to a number of factors: the structure of social reproduction of countries, the level of economic development of countries, the availability of natural resources, the peculiarities of the internal market, etc. Globalization and the increasingly active use of digital technologies are affecting changes in the country's internal trade, increasing the share of electronic commerce in its composition. Electronic commerce predetermines the development of channels of distribution of goods and services different from traditional channels, and the applied business processes make it possible to discover and apply existing reserves and previously unused potential opportunities in economic activity in order to increase not only the income received, but also provide goods to remote (and small) populations. points.


EDP Sciences

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