Karpov Denis,Zaripova Daniya,Pavlov Mikhail
This paper considers one of the most promising and modern methods of non-destructive testing - thermal control. The possibilities and advantages of thermal control for identifying defects of various building materials and products, enclosures of buildings and structures are presented. Brief characteristics of the main defects of building materials, products, and structures are presented. The basic principles of identifying hidden (invisible) and explicit (visible) defects are briefly considered and the practical results of construction defect identification of objects for various purposes using thermal imaging equipment are presented. The zones of thermal temperature anomalies are localized during qualitative analysis of thermograms (the method of active thermal control). The considered example is a fragment of a building enclosure made ceramic bricks with artificially created technical defects. For some enclosures of building structures and constructions, explicit thermal defects were identified from thermal imaging, their qualitative analysis was carried out, and recommendations for their elimination were proposed (method of passive thermal control).