Reducing the costs of the transport component, reaching up to 50% or more of the total cost of the mined coal, is an urgent task that does not require additional confirmation. Since the development of measures to improve the purely technical indicators of motor transport at open-pit mines is beyond the scope of the general study, we will limit ourselves to the search for technological solutions that can have a positive impact on the overall cost of production. This may include, for example, the search for solutions to reduce the duration of the transport cycle and optimization of its components. It is also necessary to study the possible changes in the indicators of the transport technology of open-pit mining when using classic open-pit dump trucks and autonomous heavy platforms (unmanned open-pit haul trucks). The article presents an analysis of existing technical and technological solutions and research on the use of unmanned transport technologies. It is established that the parameters of transport technology will change to some extent with the introduction of unmanned heavy platforms, which will inevitably lead both to the correction of the existing regulatory documentation, and a possible revision of the classical postulates of open-pit mining.