Selected aspects of the impact of the digital world on the training of personnel for the mining industry in the region


Panina Tatiana,Dochkin Sergey


The article considers the aspects of organizing targeted training of personnel for mining enterprises in the region in the context of its innovative development. Based on the analysis of various approaches to the diversification of the region’s economy, two main ones are identified: process and cluster, a reasonable combination of which can provide the required potential for innovative development of the coal industry and related sectors of the region’s economy. Special emphasis is placed on the training of personnel, without which it is impossible to introduce innovations in all key areas and at the main stages of the activities of coal companies. At the same time, globalization and the emergence of a new digital world and information society have created new perspectives in understanding the essence of adult education, which in the digital economy has its own characteristics, and new approaches are required to solve the problems of training personnel in a high-quality way. In these conditions, the education system appears as a network of active participants with a variety of educational practices, the presence of which is determined by personal and professional needs. It is necessary to ensure the transition from general, technological and algorithmic adult educational practices to unique and individual ones. The point of such a transition is not to discover new ones, but to select individual combinations of existing practices, strategies, and technologies. Individualized selection of sets of practices and educational strategies is becoming the dominant trend in adult education in the modern era. Practical implementation of the considered aspects will allow us to build the educational process in a different way and mutually beneficial interaction of organizations of additional professional education with consumers of educational services, which will ensure the practical implementation of models of harmonization and “economic rebranding” of the resource-intensive region, the creation of an institutional infrastructure for its harmonious development.


EDP Sciences

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