Genkin Eugene,Filin Sergey,Velikorossov Vladimir,Kydyrova Zhamilya,Anufriyev Kirill
The solved tasks are to develop recommendations for combining industry 4.0 technologies with the reduction of less qualified personnel due to their use while maximizing (keeping) of the efficiency of the organization’s activities. The novelty is the justification for the need to use strategic methodological approaches for design and development of new value proposals and business models in the organization for the strategically effective use of Industry 4.0 technologies and management of highly qualified personnel. The main characteristics, basic technologies and the strategic role of Industry 4.0, as well as its impact on business and working conditions of employees and the state as a whole, are analyzed. The model of changes in the role of labor when using “digital” capital is analyzed. A full-fledged entry into Industry 4.0 will contribute to various structural and balance changes in the socio-economic sphere, while the main transformations will be subject to the traditional life of a person, his values, beliefs and, ultimately, the conditions of existence. Despite the fact that robotics in the course of Industry 4.0 to replace the individual, the human labour in specific segments will be necessary. Work is also necessary for the development of the individual, both culturally and psychologically.
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11 articles.