Commercial Product Development and Its Sustainability Impact for Rattan Cluster in Desa Trangsan


Kurniawan Bambang Kartono,Samri Ira,Nugrahadi Gihon,Sekarningrum Dyah Ayu


Export-based rattan industry manufacturers hold significant roles in national income, especially those in Desa Trangsan, Sukoharjo. However, the rattan industry manufacturers still have limitations in product design development, affecting design innovation. Most rattan industries in Desa Trangsan produce their products to fit their global buyer demands, including design criteria and quality the buyers set. This research focuses on the furniture design analysis for the export market in Desa Trangsan, produced by small and medium rattan manufacturers. This research aims to identify the commercial product development process and the designer’s role in the innovation process. The research uses literature study and field observation methods with a descriptive qualitative approach. The study aims to identify the most impactful commercial product development in the furniture industry in Desa Trangsan. The result shows that furniture manufacturers face challenges in performing research for new product development and need to collaborate with furniture designers or academicians who are more industrial-oriented to deliver better designs and fresh ideas to give added value to the products and companies. The research findings can pave the way for future studies that aid manufacturers in conducting research for product and design development, which is crucial to promote innovation and drive the success of the rattan industry in Desa Trangsan.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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