Tursunova Aziza,Bozorova Saodat,Ibragimova Khusniya,Bobokulov Javokhir,Abdullaev Shukhrat
The paper analyses the economic efficiency of using wind power plants in mountainous areas and small residential areas as well as the results of using vertical axis wind devices in areas with low-speed winds. So it became possible to obtain the necessary electrical energy in the less windy regions of Uzbekistan by using vertical axis wind generators. In recent years the demand for electricity is increasing gradually as a result of the sharp growth of direct production enterprises and population consumption. This demand can be compensated by using not only traditional energy sources but also non-traditional energy sources. The use of wind energy is to a certain extent the basis of energy production. Nurato district of Navoi region of Uzbekistan was selected as an object. The problems of saving and shortage of electric energy will be avoided by using the vertical axis wind generator in the regions. By moving the rotor of the wind generator the wind energy is converted into mechanical energy, which generates electrical energy through the generator. Electric power from the generator is provided by a controller that serves to monitor the charge level of the accumulator and is sent to the accumulator through the controller.
Reference16 articles.
1. Whalley Jeff, Johnson Matt, MacMillin Brian, Lux review (2016).
2. Parking the power: Strategies and physical limitations for bulk energy storage in supply–demand matching on a grid whose input power is provided by intermittent sources
3. Menet Jean-Luc, Nachida Bourabas: Jean-Luc Menet (2014)
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2 articles.